Recently, I had chances to teach C++ to a couple of students. I disappointed about the current curriculum of the classes that the students were taking. The curriculums were similar to the classes that I took 10 years ago. I thought my college friends and I were in a period of transition to new generation. However, the students who are taking the class of C++ Programming are still complaining that they’re learning only how to type the programming languages and that they do not know why the C++ has the concepts, functions, and rules as I complained in college.
I understand the professors and lecturers didn’t get their degree about their programming skills, so they don’t have to program fluently like a programmer who is working in real technical filed. However, they have responsibility to teach their students the concepts or frameworks of the programming language. Of course, I know some lecturers have passion to teach their students, so they try to make interactive classes. I hope I can see many more the passionate lecturers in teaching their students.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,”
(Colossians 3:23)